Overdue Fines

The libraries charge overdue fines to ensure the timely return or renewal of items. The amount and frequency of fine accrual depends on the type of item on loan. Renewal of your item(s) does not remove any overdue fines. If you return items late or renew after the due date, you are responsible for any fines accrued.

Overdue Policy

Pay fines and return items

Overdue items will prevent you from checking out items from any UF Library or UBorrow institution.

Fines and Fees by material type: Print and Media Items | iPads | Hourly Loan Circulating Technology | Daily/ Weekly Loan Circulating Technology | Keys

Print and Media Items

Item TypeLoan PeriodAmount per day overdueFirst Overdue Charge (non-refundable)Processing Charge (non-refundable)Replacement Fee*
Regular Loan (most books found on shelves)Students and staff: 8 weeks/ Faculty: fixed due date of April 1st or October 1st$0.25 per day$5 at 20 days overdue$35 at 25 days overdue$65 or $100 depending on which library branch owns the item
Daily Short-Term Loan (DVDs,some books, and periodicals)1 day - 14 days, depending on the item$1 per day$5 at 5 days overdue$35 at 6 days overdueActual cost of replacement for DVDs. $65 or $100 depending on which library owns the item
Hourly Short-Term Loan (Reserve items, some periodicals)1 hour - 24 hours, depending on the item$1 per hour$5 at 5 hours overdue$35 at 1 day overdueActual cost of replacement
Recalled Items7 days- 3 weeks from the date of recall $1 per day$5 at 5 days after recall due date$35 at 6 days overdueActual cost of replacement


Item TypeLoan PeriodAmount per day overdueFirst Overdue Charge (non-refundable)Processing Charge (non-refundable)Replacement Fee*
iPads30 days$10 per day $100 at 10 days overdue$35 at 12 days overdue$429 if damaged/ not returned. $50 for each accessory damaged/not returned

Hourly Loan Circulating Technology

Library BranchLoan periodAmount per hour overdueFirst Overdue Charge (non-refundable)Processing Charge (non-refundable)Replacement Fee*
Architecture and Fine Arts Library2 hours$1 per hour$5 charged at 5 hours overdue$35 charged one day after first overdue chargeActual cost of replacement
Education Library2-4 hours$1 per hour$5 charged at 5 hours overdue$35 charged one day after first overdue chargeActual cost of replacement
Health Science Center Library4 hours$1 per hour$40 charged at 40 hours overdueActual cost of replacement
Library West3 hours$1 per hour$5 charged at 5 hours overdue$35 charged one day after first overdue chargeActual cost of replacement
Marston Science Library2-4 hours$1 per hour$5 charged at 5 hours overdue$35 charged one day after first overdue chargeActual cost of replacement

Daily/Weekly Loan Circulating Technology

Library BranchLoan periodAmount per day/ hour overdueFirst Overdue Charge (non-refundable)Processing Charge (non-refundable)Replacement Fee*
Architecture and Fine Arts Library7 days$1 per day$5 charged at 5 days overdue$35 charged at 6 days overdue Actual cost of replacement
Education Library7 days$1 per day$5 charged at 5 days overdue$35 charged at 6 days overdueActual cost of replacement
Library West7 days$10 per day$100 charged at 10 days overdue$35 charged at one day after the first overdue chargeActual cost of replacement
GPS (Map & Imagery Library)7 days$10 per day$100 charged at 10 days overdue$35 charged at one day after the first overdue charge$250 if damaged or not returned
Marston Science Library3 days (72 hour loan)$0.25 per hour$5 charged at 20 hours overdue$35 charged one day after first overdue chargeActual cost of replacement
Marston Science Library7 days$1 per day$5 charged at 5 days overdue$35 charged at 6 days overdueActual cost of replacement


Item TypeLoan PeriodAmount per hour/day overdueFirst Overdue Charge (non-refundable)Delinquent Overdue charge (non-refundable)Replacement Fee*
Health Science Center Library Study Room Keys2 -4 hours, depending on room$10 per hour$100 charged at 10 hours overdue$35 charged one day after the first overdue charge$35 re-keying charge
Library West Room Keys (Proctoring booths, One Button Studio, Media Carrels)Up to 4 hours, depending on room$20 per hour$100 charged at 5 hours overdue$35 charged one day after the first overdue charge$35 re-keying charge

* Replacement fee can be refunded if the item is returned before a new copy is ordered.