Who We Are
The primary Course Reserves Unit, located in Library West, is made up of two employees who work with instructors to process requests for UF courses. They are also available to answer any questions and offer guidance about the Ares system, and provide physical and electronic course materials for student use. The library branches on campus each have a representative who handles Course Reserves materials and assists the primary unit by making them available to students and instructors.
What We Do
The Course Reserves Unit provides access to course materials at the George A. Smathers Libraries’ branches including Architecture and Fines Arts Library, Education Library, Health Science Center Library, Library West, and Marston Science Library. Course Reserves materials include print books, textbooks, e-books, journal articles, slide decks, DVD’s, and more. Materials are placed on reserve at the request of the instructor, and all reserve items must comply with copyright law and e-resource licensing.
Course Reserves materials are made available, either electronically or physically. Physical reserve items may be checked out at a branch library circulation desk for short-term use in the library or for the duration the instructor has requested. Electronic Course Reserves items are accessed through the Ares Course Reserves system and can be accessed through your Canvas account.
Course Reserves Account
Ares System
For more information on the Ares Course Reserves system, visit the Ares homepage, developed by Atlas Systems.