Page Contents:
- Integrate Ares and Canvas (skip to step 2 if not using Canvas)
- Create an Ares Account (skip if step 1 is completed)
- Create a Course in Ares (skip if step 1 is completed)
- Add Items to a Course from the Library Catalog
- Add Items to a Course in Ares
- Add items to a Course from a Previous Semester
- Request an Article for Course Reserves
- Use/Renew a Course from a Previous Semester
Attention Graduate Teaching Assistants: To receive Instructor privileges in Ares, you will need to contact the Course Reserves unit directly at 352-273-2520 to have permissions enabled.
Integrate Ares and Canvas
1. Log into your Canvas Account and select the class to be integrated.

2. If the Course Reserves link does not appear in the sidebar, find and click on the Settings link, located on the left side of the page.

3. Select the Navigation tab.

4. Find Course Reserves at the bottom of the two drop-down menus in the center of the page.

5. Select ellipses and Enable and then Save.

6. Course Reserves will appear at the bottom of the left-hand menu on the Course Details Page.

Note: When you or the students click Course Reserves the Ares Course Reserves interface will open for Instructor Use or Student Use as applicable.
7. Drag Course Reserves to reorder the Course Navigation List. Save your changes with bottom Save button.

8. Click the Course Reserves Link on the left side of the page.

9. On the next screen, there will be a drop-down menu select Create a New Course.

10. Complete the Create a Course Form. For Current Semester, use the drop-down menu to choose the appropriate semester. If you do NOT see this screen (For example, if the screen displays an error message of “An error occurred while attempting to process your Basic LTI request,” contact the Course Reserves unit at 352-273-2520 for further assistance. (Try Chrome or Firefox browser.)
11. Click the Create Course button.
IMPORTANT: This action creates your Ares account AND creates the course automatically in Ares. If you complete this action, skip the instructions on how to Create an Ares Account and how to Create a Class in Ares. Continue to the instructions on how to Add Items to a Course from the Library Catalog.
Did you put in your item requests before your Canvas course was published? No problem! Please email us the SIS-ID number of your Canvas course and we will do the rest!
Please email the ID number to
To find your course’s SIS ID:
- Navigate to your course in Canvas
- Open the Settings page
- SIS ID is listed on the Settings page (under Time Zone and above Subaccount).
The UFL Canvas ID number is structured this way: UFL format: UFL.GMS6781.00001.2022-08-UF-0

Create an Ares Account
If you use Canvas for your course, connect your Canvas course with the Ares system BEFORE creating an account in Ares. Follow the instructions on how to Integrate Ares and Canvas.
1. Navigate to (Chrome or Firefox browser recommended).
2. If you do not already have an account, you will be asked to create an account as a faculty member (instructor), or student. Please select Instructor.

3. On the next screen, fill in your information.

- Gatorlink ID- use only the ID, and do not include
- Email: use ONLY your Gatorlink email. Account requests using any other email will be denied.
4. Click Submit.
Your request to create an instructor account will be verified and approved by the Course Reserves staff. During regular business hours, your account should be verified within 60 minutes of making the request. If assistance or immediate clearance is needed, contact the Course Reserves Unit at 352-273-2520.
Create a Course in Ares
If using Canvas for your course, follow the instructions to Integrate Canvas and Ares. Completing the instructions will automatically create a class in Ares. Once Canvas and Ares have been integrated, skip to the next section on how to Add Items to Ares from the Library Catalog.
Warning: If a class is created in Ares BEFORE integrating with Canvas, contact the Course Reserves Unit for assistance in deleting duplicate classes. If Canvas is not being used for your course, disregard this message and continue to step 1 to Create a Class in Ares.
1.Log in to your Ares account.
2. Once you have successfully logged in, click on the Create a new course link located under the Instructor Tools menu.

3. Fill out the form on the next page. All fields with an asterisk are required and must be completed before you can create a class. At the bottom of the form (Default Pickup Location for Physical Items), choose the library location where you would like your hard copy reserve items to be shelved. If no library is specified, the form will default to the Library West location.

4. Click on the Create Course button at the bottom of the page to complete the process.
Add Items to a Course from the Library Catalog
BEFORE using this tool: Instructors must have an active Ares account with instructor privileges AND have one or more classes already created in Ares.
- Navigate to Primo (the UF Library Catalog).
2. Click on the Sign in link.

3. Log in using your Gatorlink account information (including two-factor authentication).

4. Search for materials in the library catalog. A book title will be used for this example.

5. On the search results page, click on the title of the item to view the complete record.

6. Click on the Faculty Request for Course Reserves link to request the item for your course.

7. If prompted, log into Ares using your Gatorlink credentials.
8. Check the form information for accuracy, add any pertinent notes to the Notes field, and select the relevant class for which the item is being requested by placing a check mark in the box, as shown. Click on the Submit Item button to send the request to staff for processing.

9. To request scanning of selected pages from a book, add the pages to be scanned to the Inclusive Pages or Notes field in the form; to add a journal article, search for the item by article title, subject, etc. or follow the Request an Article for Course Reserves instructions.
Add Items to a Course in Ares
- Log in to your Ares account.
- A list of all courses for the current semester will be on the main screen. Click on the course prefix/number under the course column.

3. On the next screen, click on the Add Reserve Items link, under the Instructor Class Tools menu.

4. On the next screen, choose the format of the item you wish to place on reserve. For this example, we will demonstrate how to place a hard copy book on reserve. Click on the icon for the material.

5. Next, fill out all the form fields with an asterisk indicating required information to process the request; all this information should be available in Primo (the UF Library Catalog) for library-owned items.

- Reserve Location: Specify the library where students will pick up the materials for checkout. The default location is Library West.
- Loan period for Hard Copy Items: Specify the duration for items to be checked out. The default is 2 Hours in-Library Use Only. Other options include 2 hour/overnight (not an option for libraries open 24 hours), 24 hours, 3 days, or 7 days.
- Authors/Editors/Directors: Fill out as fully as possible (First/last name, editor’s name, etc.).
- Publisher: Supply whenever possible, especially in cases where there might be multiple titles/publishers, and a specific edition is requested.
- Edition: If more than one edition of a book is available, specify the preferred edition.
- ISBN: Include in cases where a book is being requested for purchase.

- Call Number: Available in Primo (the UF Library Catalog), for library owned items.
- OCLC Number: Available through the OCLC database; necessary when requesting an item for Interlibrary Loan processing.
- Tags: This area can be used by instructors to organize readings, by week, date, subject, etc.
- Notes: Use this field to specify information on books for purchase for course reserve use, or special handling/processing instructions of any sort for Course Reserves staff.
- How will this item be supplied?:
- If the book is a library-owned item, Course Reserves staff will locate the item on the shelf, process it, and make it available for Course Reserves use.
- If a personal copy of the book is being provided, select this option.
- If the item is an E-book, select this option and Course Reserves staff will provide the link.
- If the item is being requested for purchase, select this option.
6. When finished filling out the form completely as possible, click on the Submit Item button at the bottom of the page to submit the request.
Add Items to a Course from a Previous Semester
1. Under Instructor Course Tools, click on the Add Reserve Items link.

2. A list of previously-taught courses will display under the heading “Or would you like to import from a current or previously taught course?” Select the course to be imported by clicking on the course prefix/number.

3. A list of all items from the previous course will display. By default, all items are selected; remove the checkmarks from any items that should not be imported to the new course.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Import Items button to complete the process.

5. When the process is complete, a message will appear to confirm the imported item(s). Items will be processed by the Course Reserves staff.

Request an Article for Course Reserves
- Placing an article on reserve is similar to the initial steps for placing a book on reserve. Follow the instructions for Add Items to a Class in Ares, except when you reach step 4, click on the journal article icon.

2. The form used for journal articles is displayed below.
- Instructors may upload PDF files, or request that the Course Reserves Unit locate and scan articles. If a requested or uploaded article is available as a full-text resource via any database subscribed to by the UF Libraries, we are required to supply a link to the full-text resource; no exceptions can be made to this rule. All uploaded files are reviewed by the Course Reserves unit.

3. When the form is complete, click on the Submit Item button at the bottom of the page.
Use/Renew a Course from a Previous Semester
- Log into Ares and click on the Previous Courses link under the Instructor Tools Menu.

2. On the next screen, you will see a list of all of your Previous Courses.

3. Select View Course to use the previous course.
4. On the next screen, the course listing and a list of all items previously on reserves for the course will be shown. To renew the course, click on the Renew Course link, under the Instructor Course Tools menu on the left side of the screen.

5. On the Renew Course screen (see example below), fill in the required fields and other fields as much as possible (ex: course name as listed in the course catalog, first and last name of instructor, etc.).

Clone Item Tags: checking this box will duplicate any previous item tags.
Reserve Materials to Import: a checkmark is next to each item. Leave the checkmark in place if the item is needed for the new semester. Please be aware that all renewals are subject to copyright fair-use guidelines. If new items are going to be added, those may be added by the instructor once the course is renewed.
6. Click on the Renew Course button at the bottom of the page to finalize the request.
Need further assistance?
Contact Us
Call 352-273-2520